Thursday, 10 January 2013

One Day

One day I will marry
a Cornish girl,
we’ll live by the harbour
and travel the world,
sunlight will dance
on her amber curls –
one day I will marry
a Cornish girl.

One day I will marry
a Yorkshire lass,
an ochre-eyed beauty
her hair in a clasp.
Queen of the Dales,
the wind-beaten grass –
one day I will marry
a Yorkshire lass.

One day I will marry
a gypsy gal,
we’ll sleep in the ivy,
wherever we shall,
star-share our secrets
and never tell –
one day I will marry
a gypsy gal.


  1. Very nice. I hope you write a poem about the gal you eventually ended up with. I have my money though on the gypsy gal. :)

  2. I like this! Very classic-folktale-ish -and that's a good thing!

  3. I like that each girl is HIS girl - at the moment. Fun poem! =)

  4. Love the poem, Matt. I just put up a new post about my love of British authors and you capture that classic/folk flavor. "Her amber curls" -- so vivid.

  5. This Yorkshire lass loves your poem :0)

  6. Very fun! A new poem that sounds old-ish!

  7. "Star-share our secrets," I LOVED that line. I could see two characters lying on their backs casting gazes between each other and the stars. Awesome.

  8. When I read your poem, I sang it with a Gaelic flare. Love the rhythm and rhyme. I imagine you dancing with all three.

  9. Thanks everyone. I married the Yorkshire lass!

  10. star-share our secrets
    and never tell
    ....I do love those lines!
